art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist
art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist
instagram news and events Tillack biography Collector contact Tillack Tillack on YouTube
Tillack Galleries Symbolism and Phylosophy Gallery 1 Symbolism and Phylosophy Gallery 2 serene waters boards and alternative canvases  
art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist
art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist


FRAME - 2x2 inch Shadow
date number Size of frame
(outside dimension)
Notes Size of canvas & Name
1/25 5DONE 35x45 priority 1 30x40 dream big
1/25 3DONE 65x41 priority 2 60x36 more bull
1/25 3 55x35  priority 3 50x30 stock
1/25 3 35x39  priority 4  30x34 temp beauty
FRAME - 4x2 inch SCREWED
date number Size of frame
(outside dimension)
Notes Size of canvas & Name
art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist

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© 2023 THREE-SEVENTEEN Inc. dba Tillack Studios All rights reserved.
Images and content may not be reproduced in any manner without written permission.