art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist
art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist
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art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist
art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist

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art - untouched  by Tillack
oil on canvas
24in x 36in

*****The Inspiration*****

Inspired from this image taken in the early 1900's, I put my own artistic spin to create - 'Untouched'.
Below you can see the contrast of just over 100 years has done - the hill in the background is now the center of Suburbia while the foreground is a parking lot fronted by rental properties.


art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist

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